Your Top 3 SEO Questions Answered

You may have heard a lot of buzz about SEO and internet marketing, but have no clue what people are talking about. This blog will help answer the top SEO questions to help you get a better understanding of what SEO is and what it can do for you.

1. So what is SEO anyways?
Probably the top SEO question asked by people new to promoting their website. SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO is a combination of tools used by people to achieve a better organic ranking in search engine results. Organic rankings are those that happen without paying a search engine for a sponsored result.

2. Is SEO spam?
No, while some people may have this perception of SEO, spamming will actually decrease a sites page ranking. Some people may assume that a little of something, like keywords, is great so a ton must be great. If you fill your website just with keywords and no useful content search engines will rank your page poorly. SEO professionals answer the problem of this top SEO question by carefully constructing pages and content.

3. How long will it take for my page to reach the top?
This may be the top SEO question asked by people before they start an SEO campaign. This question does not have an easy answer, because of a great number of factors. By using creative keywords with little competition a site with quality content can climb search ranks quickly. If however you are interested in ranking in a very common keyword or search category you may be up against millions of pages vying for that same attention. It is possible to rank in these top categories but you will need to work harder and produce more quality content then sites that already have top rankings.

I hope the answers to these top SEO questions have given you a better insight into the business of SEO. If you are interested in learning more about Search engine optimization there are many great sources for information available on the net.